ArchEducational International Student Contest

  • Подписчики: 44 подписчиков
  • ID: 94852906
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Architecture, like music frozen in space and time, incorporates the features of different eras and peoples, the best traditions of the past and innovative ideas of the present and future. There is no city where you would find this or that architectural style in its purest form. Borders and culture have changed, worldview has changed, the features of foreign architecture have been adopted and their own features preserved, but it is precisely this interaction that today allows us to consider the national architecture of different countries in a global context as an integral part of the world architectural heritage. The architecture is present everywhere where people live, and, creating the conditions for life, architecture, like life itself, is diverse and amazing. Preserving its heritage and developing the architectural traditions of its homeland, at the same time, it makes sense to look at the world with open eyes in search of inspirational and instructive architectural solutions.