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HORNY FATHERS DESTROYING THE LIFE OF THEIR DAUGHTERS Type: Organization Category: Common Interests Description: Aim: 1. Organize a conference in Rostov about the abusement by fathers of their daughters when they are young and the damage this causes in the development of these daughters into mature humans. 2. Start anonymous website for daughters who have experience abusement and (sexual) misuse by their father also 3. Start up selfhelp groups 4. Involve University of Rostov and local institutions/groups for support 5. Bring abusers to justice/jail 6. Create awareness in Russia about the phenomenon by radio/television programs/newspaper/magazines etc. _____________________________________ EMOTIONS OF BONDED DAUGHTERS: A Daughter who receives Father's inappropriate love will often express unpleasant emotions: -Sadness about her lost childhood -Anger about emotional pressure from men -Guilt for leaving Father and alienating Mother -Fear of being rejected by men (can’t say “No”) -Fear of being controlled by men (can’t say “Yes”) ___________________________________ HOW HORNY FATHERS DESTROYS THE LIFE OF THEIR DAUGHTERS? ABUSEMENT BY FATHERS 1. By masturbating her father the daughter gets a strange power over the father which will damage her relation to man/woman for life. 2. Daughter (8,9,10) does not understand the ejaculation of a man. 3. It starts with curiosity by the girl to learn to know something about the other gender and in her childish mind she thinks by agreeing on what father wants she get approval in her life and is accepted being someone. 4. The father is horny about the young daughter and this only grows when she grows up. WHAT A PRESSURE FOR THE DAUGHTER TO EXPERIENCE THIS AND HOW TO HANDLE, HOW TO BE FREE. CAN YOU BE FREE WHEN YOU ARE IN SUCH SITUATION? __________________________________ MEDVEDEV JOINS NEW RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN AGAINST CHILD ABUSE. Dmitry Medvedev 16:04 25/05/2010© RIA Novosti. Related News - Russia saw 100,000 crimes against children in 2009 - Russia second largest producer of child porn - Russian MP speaks out against castration proposal for pedophiles MOST IMPORTANT CHILDREN'S RIGHTS President Dmitry Medvedev has become the first member of the Russia - WITHOUT CHILD ABUSE MOVEMENT, the chairwoman of a children's support group said at the launch ceremony on Tuesday. "I would like to support all those who are not indifferent and who have already joined the movement. I also consider it my duty to join it," Medvedev said in a statement published on his official website. "It is a well-known truth that there is no such thing as somebody else's children. That is why it is important to react swiftly to each specific case of child abuse, systematically working to prevent social orphans and homelessness, and of course, to create an atmosphere of zero tolerance in society of any violence towards children," the president's statement said. A range of Russian pop stars and TV hosts have also joined the movement, which is also supported by RIA Novosti. Members declare their readiness to assist children who find themselves in difficult situations, protect them from violence and promote knowledge that will help resolve conflicts between adults and children. Thousands of cases of child abuse are registered in Russia annually. Last year, there were a number of resonant cases, including a drunken stepfather COULDNOT KEEP HIS HANDS OF YOUNG DAUGHTERS AND MISUSED THEM FOR YEARS. MOSCOW, May 25 (RIA Novosti) ___________________________________ Dr. Suganya Selvarajah (Sugi) MD, MPH, MHP Email:s.selvarajah@nari.unimelb.edu.au Sugi has completed a Doctor of Medicine degree at the Rostov State Medical University, Russia, in 2003. Having gained clinical experience, she came to Melbourne in 2006 to