Psychology and Self-Development Club Lviv

  • Подписчики: 236 подписчиков
  • ID: 49572306
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This Saturday, May 25 at 15:00 we will have a series of English discussions on self-improvement issues at Languagetime School in Lviv.You are invited to attend all three sessions or just one. The cost for all three sessions is 40 grivna or 25 grivna for individual sessions. Each class is more or less unrelated so you can also just attend a single (1) session. If you bring a friend they come for half price (friends -50%). More details can be found on Facebook and BKONTAKT. Here is the program: 15:00-16:30: “Finding Meaning in Life”. Students will be asked to talk about what is important for themselves, how to reach goals, moments in one's life which produced self-awareness, dealing with an uncertain future and to define concepts like personal success and happiness. I would also like to ask students the follow question, “Does life make sense and is it fair?” at 16:30 there will be a question and answer session and a short coffee/tea break 17:00-18:30: “How to be a Good Friend”. We would focus on qualities of being a best friend, trust, resolving conflict, forgiveness, and what are good ways to both start and end friendships. At 18:30 questions and answers and coffee/tea break 19:00-20:30: “Managing Difficult Situations”. We will discuss how to best deal with and resolve both intrapersonal (inside one self) and interpersonal (involving at least one other person) problems. These problems could be things like dealing with fears, sadness, loss of a job or friend, what to do after the university, and practical problems like budget traveling or moving away from your parents. This is designed as a problem solving session, so bring your problems, solutions and friends. Question and answer session to follow. Location: Languagetime School, Lviv. Please call Olga at (063) 397-06-77, (097) 444-67-68, 253-70-10.My number is 068 356 76 52 or email вул.Левинського 4 (бічна Чупринки 52). Directions: Just take tram #2 from center and get off 2 stops from the Polytechnic. Additional Information: I (Jimmy Hill) am a counseling psychologist and will share my opinions. These are interactive classes, although people can also just listen and take notes. The classes are designed to help students both improve their English language speaking skills as well as become more productive and satisfied with life. Classes will likely continue in June and July. We are hoping for feedback for future classes. We hope to see you Saturday. I will be there at 2pm so if you just want to stop by for tea and chat please do.