English Camp

  • Подписчики: 510 подписчиков
  • ID: 6081020
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И так, группа была создана с целью объединить всех тех Вконтакте, кто хоть раз побывал в English Camp'е и всем вместе вспомнить всё то хорошее, что там происходило =) ENGLISH CAMP STORY (Written By Francis Landivar, Director and Founder of English Camps in Russia Far East) On winter '97 I was talking with a father who complained he wanted to send his son to the USA to practice English, but it was to expensive! So I told him, I would try to help! and that how the idea was born; to bring American, Australian, English teachers to Vlad, set up a summer camp and do the whole curriculum in English! That summer I organized the first camp in Baza RITM 10 in Sad gorad. The first Foreign teachers were Kristy from USA, Jess form Peru, Joanna & Dulci from Australia, and Russian English teachers from the English Faculty of Russian Far East University. We had 200 kids that first camp, and the rest is... History! Since then we had 14 camps to date, over 1500 children from Vladivostok and Primorye have attended and has become a tradition from students from English especial schools such as 13 and 57 and others,to attend summer English camps every year. Foreign teachers that have come were: Kristy, John, Phillip, Christina, Serena, Joanna, Dulce, Steven and Joan, Andy, Brazilian Sam, Kento, Heili, Faith, James,Trevor,Canadian Sam, Australian Sam, Shane, Mellisa, Aidi, Chris, Michael, Sharon, Kristina, Mark, Naomi, and a host of others from 11 different nationalities! Russian Teachers that have participated, (some camp children that grew up and became teachers are to many to enumerate, but let's try!) Alina, Dima, Jenia, Vica, Tusia, Marina, Tonia, Masha, Sherry, Gloria, Seriosha, Sergey, Victoria, Alesia, Yana, Katia, Roma, Olia, Jj, Luba, Milena, Galia, Esther, Susy, Celeste, Julia, Nastya, Lucia, Zhenia, Susha, Svieta, Stacia, Pasha, July P, George and many others! Consul Generals and Marines form the US Consulate have participated and the TV and Newspapers have written articles about our camp. The way it is set up, is a bit diferent from other camps, we are like a big family with Papa Francis and all the teachers as older brothers and sisters. A lot of emphasize is placed in Unity, Love, communication, friendship, music, dancing and a team spirit. After the camp our home doors are open to kids to visit and continue our friendship and now the Volunteers Club Helping Hands, is formed of mostly ex EC's members that want to continue their friendship and do something useful for society. A new idea for future camps is to do camps for the prevention of drugs and the training of kids against it! I believe in young people, I believe the world of tomorrow is the children of today and I place great care in their training and their potential as human beings, therefore English camp is more than a educational camp, but is a team of young people that have a great positive influence in our society and whose values have changed for better, trough the power of love and friendship.