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Development, disclosure of internal potential, self-improvement, motivation, the movement, fight, natural selection, people believe in yourself because in your hearts there is light, there is a potential, reveal, become better... we live once, use this time, look for yourself the mission. Gods spared us life, but left the last choice for people and to you to decide to look for it and to go on the mission, to deviate from him... to be dissatisfied with study, work, every day to come with a sour ugly face, ENOUGH, I BELIEVE in you, we trust you, we believe that you will make a right choice that it happened, don't lower a hand and never give up. Spread the new ideas, tell about the interests, hobbies, the purposes, ask questions.... Our purpose on Earth is better to make her and to show to mankind what to it still is to what it is necessary to aspire and a lot of things should be mastered and opened. Engineering, technologies, the latest developments in the field of nanotechnologies, knowledge of the micro and macro world, the Universe essence, interesting and fascinating articles, spread. Don't hesitate ^_^