ONE MORNING LEFT| Official Community

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  • ID: 21544302
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metalcore / electro Founded in 2008 in Vaasa, Finland, One Morning Left is well known for their unique blend of electro, hardcore and metalcore influences as well as their entertaining and energetic live shows where absolutely anything can happen. One Morning Left has gathered extensive live performance experience playing countless shows in Finland, touring mainland Europe, Russia, and the Baltics, and even performed in as faraway places as Iceland and Japan (with packed venues to boot), both as a supporting act and as a headliner. One Morning Left has played shows with bands like Amaranthe, Machinae Supremacy, Adept, Protest the Hero, Fear of Domination, Turmion Kätilöt and We Butter the Bread with Butter. One Morning Left has also graced the Finnish festival season, playing renowned festivals like Tuska Open Air and Rockfest. The band gained early success with their 2008 EP "Panda <3 Penguin" due to its fresh and ground-breaking musical style with catchy melodies, heavy breakdowns and feverish guitar riffing. The success didn't go unnoticed, and the band ended up signing a record deal with Spinefarm Records, who released One Morning Left's debut album "The Bree-Teenz" in 2011. The album reached #30 on Finland's official album charts, followed by the sophomore album "Our Sceneration" at #45 in 2013. After "Our Sceneration", it was time for something different. Key line-up changes brought in Niko Hyttinen to take over drum duties with a passion, and singer/guitarist Leevi Luoto to share the lead vocalist spotlight, delivering his first soaring clean vocal performance on One Morning Left's hit single "Star of Africa". The single was a sign of things to come, as the song quickly shot to the top of One Morning Left's Spotify most played songs, only to be later dethroned by another hit single "You're Dead! Let's Disco!" from One Morning Left's 3rd full length album "Metalcore Superstars", released in 2016 through Inverse Records. One Morning Left is currently putting the finishing touches on their 4th full length album with additional firepower from seasoned players Tuukka Ojansivu on guitar and Miska Sipiläinen on bass guitar, as well as the return-to-form of keyboard player Touko Keippilä from the band’s original “Panda <3 Penguin” line-up. The album is shaping up to be the artistic peak of One Morning Left's musical "blood mountain" and everything the band has wanted all along: epic lyrics carried by soaring vocal melodies and harmonies with gritty, aggressive and distinctive dirty vocals from front man Mika Lahti, along with breathtaking keyboard leads, blisteringly fast guitars, masterful bass riffs and feverish drum parts. Join us on our quest to make the world a bit more epic! Contact: Гpyппa из укромных уголков северной Финляндии, oбpaзoвaннaя в 2008 гoдy. Oни игpaют oчeнь кaчecтвeннyю и дeйcтвитeльнo интepecнyю мyзыкy, coчeтaя в cвoём твopчecтвe тяжелые гитарные рифы с элeктpoнными cэмплами и неповторимым гроулом, вместе получается бесконечно оригинальная и порой забавная музыка. Нa дaнный мoмeнт One Morning Left достигли отметки в 1 миллион прослушиваний на своей странице MySpace, что говорит о том, что они являются одной из самых популярных групп Финляндии. Дискография коллектива насчитывает 2 EP aльбoмa: Panda ♥ Penguin и Panda ♥ Penguin vol.2. В настоящее время вышел дебютный альбом The Bree-TeenZ (2011) Our Sceneration (2013) Metalcore superstars (2016) New album (2021) Merch: Members: Miksu - Vocals Touko - Synth/Samples Tuukka - Guitar Leevi - Guitar/Clean vocals Miska - Bass Niko - Drums